Wednesday, February 8, 2012

"I Love You Even When...."

Having just overheard a mother speak in a demeaning manner while she reprimanded her adult child in a public setting, I believe this story needs to be shared. Fortunately, the daughter proved wise and respectful in this scenario. She looked at her mother, said “Mom, I love you even when…”
What a shame that this kind of scene is more common than not. Although, in most situations, the calmness of the daughter’s reply is not as prevalent. Most of the responses are wrapped in anger and defensiveness at having been publicly reprimanded as the duties of parenthood were over scripted so they could be ‘heard’ in an authoritative role.

I remember a presentation regarding these familiar Bible verses: “Children, Obey your parents… (Ephesians 6:1) Parents/Fathers, don’t exasperate your children... (Colossians 3:21)”
When you are a ‘child’ you obey or you will be disciplined. And as a parent you teach right and wrong by example and with mutual respect to your child. As maturity in years evolves, the adult is no longer 'the child' and possibly a parent as well. Then it becomes obedience in the form of respect…from both.
Parents...never step on the emotions of your children to exercise your parental platform. And as an adult child,always show respect for the authority God has placed in your life. Each will give an account for their actions & responses to these actions. Love gently as you encourage and edify. Never embarrass another in order to be right.
For should you make it a practice to loudly exercise your parental authority in public, don’t be surprised if your adult child walks away from the situation and sadly even the relationship.
With all due respect, whether you are the parent or the adult child, would you stand there and have someone who says they love you speak to you in that manner? Maybe you are uncomfortable with the story I just shared. Maybe it hits too close to home. Maybe that parent is you. Or maybe you are that child who is also the adult ~ wondering why.

People~Life is so precious.Resolve your conflict of hearts.

Be loving. Ask yourself~Yubw8n?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you...your comments helped me out with my preparation to a teacher conference I am having with a teacher that belittle children...I want to do it in love as our Lord would do it...Pls pray for this meeting...Thanks again.
