Sunday, February 26, 2012

R U Soulfully deFEETed?

“One of the first things on record after a baby is born is the footprint, the sole of the feet. Often even a name has not been decided yet when this one of a kind ‘mark’ is made. The feet help to identify the life from the beginning. Likewise, at the end of a life, another identification tag is often placed upon the toe of the foot.From the beginning, our feet are a foundation for the future destinations. Walk with me for a while...
From the starting line of any race, the toes of feet are aligned against the starting point. Standing on the edge of a cliff usually implies that you have your feet and toes directly at the point of no return. The feet are identified with motion,placement,and ultimately direction. Without feet one’s impaired mobility will result in a flawed stride. Even though the soles of the feet(and palms of the hand) are the toughest areas of skin on the human body, even when this area is injured, the pain is felt throughout the entire body.
Think about your body this way. The lowest area is the sole of your feet. The furtherest areas on either side are the hands. And the highest point, the top of your head.
These were some of the areas on the body of Christ that were wounded upon Calvary’s tree for our Salvation.
It is wise to respect the part of your person that literally supports all your weight when you take a stand. When you stump your toe or twist your ankle you know it will hurt. And should you cut the skin of your feet, the healing may take time. This area is under the pressure unfortunately felt by the wound; a constant reminder of error.
Let’s look at how our spiritual feet are similar to our natural feet.
When you walk in faith, you prayerfully tread upon your enemies. These enemies may be areas of weakness or people who wound your spirit.
When you walk in the natural and something is present that may harm you, you tread upon it by placing it under your feet. Or you elect to turn and walk away from the person or the temptation that is in your path for these are not necessary.
The toughest areas of your spiritual feet are also the softest part of your soul. This area not only withstands temperature but temptation and terrain as well.
We adorn our feet with extravagant and often expensive foot wear. Even though our selections may not always be the healthiest options in upholding our body as we walk, we continue to accessorize our feet with the shoes we like even though...
Remember ~ as you walk barefoot, your sole to the dirt of the earth, you are open to injury. Likewise, if you walk barefoot with your ‘soul’ to this earth, you are more likely to stumble and fall.
Secure 'the Light of the Word' to the feet of your faith and walk the path in your life that God has ordained just for you.

Prayerfully, place your best foot forward. When you walk with Christ, you will never walk alone in defeat!” Ask yourself...Yubw8n?

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