Monday, October 22, 2012

Daily Walks

“Steps of the daily walk:
May you always appreciate the multi-colors in your life; whether it is the beauty of the leaves, the comfort of loafers, the convenience of laces or the laughter of limericks. Be comfortable in the life you live. Each life is custom made to fit. Should you outgrow yours; reduce the self serving of your own ego.
Always step into opportunity with confidence, not arrogance. And if you trip over your own feet, admit it rather than begin the explanations & excuses. Forgiveness is good for the soul of those walking with a sore & sprained spirit.
Remove fashionable footwear before inserting foot in your mouth; it draws attention, especially if it fits. Every day, no matter where you are destined & who you meet along the way, try to be appreciative of another’s styling. Until we are offered the opportunity to wear & walk in another’s shoes, we have little to no understanding of the life they have lived or how worn-out & tired their efforts may be.
We discover our individuality by wearing our wardrobe of wonderment Give the gift of respecting another’s existence. After all, don’t you expect to receive that gift today? Always- appreciate the beautiful colors of living life!”

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Everyone has their own unique morning routine. And if you are a pet owner, this includes taking them through theirs also. My pup Gizmo is very routine oriented & has actually taken on the duty of my alarm clock. Every day we get up at the same time, go outside, he will stand still while he is dried, loved on & then the leash is removed & on to the next event. We proceed to the coffee pot for the human ‘morning in a cup’ all the while he takes his place upon the area rug under the dining room table to watch. Fresh water & food are on the menu; dog food with a little fresh baked chicken breast mixed in. After placing it in his feed area & walking away to enjoy the coffee, I watch as he does the same routine. He will go over to the dish, sniff, & look at me. Then return to his spot. You see today I tried to sneak past part of his routine. Usually I give him just a tiny fragment of the chicken breast to taste. I know should he not take it, he most likely won’t want the meal. Usually, he does. Today he ate it.
Yet when investigating the food served, he returned to the living room, & walked over to his leash. He had not gone outside. He followed me first thing to the coffee pot, & as a human, I figured we would go out after breakfast. Gizmo had other plans. After the outing, he returned to his dish, enjoyed his breakfast, & soon was sound asleep resting on the back of the loveseat...his world. As I write this, I look over to see contentment & love all in one little 10 pound, 4 legged, brown eyed, little nose friend. As I listen to the promptings of the Spirit of God, I am amazed at how Gizmo teaches me every day about God. Today was no different. You see, too often, our routine often leaves God out.
We get up, get going, & go past the most important part- God. We fail to spend time with the One who watched over us while we slept; keeping an ear out for our heart beat, & watching us smile as we dream. In the morning we awaken refreshed (if wisdom the night before has us disciplined to go to bed at the right hour that is) & we are ready for the day. I know that when I spend the first part of our morning with God, the rest of my day goes more in step. Look at Gizmo. He slept knowing he was safe, no cares. When it was time for breakfast, he knew that to enjoy his food- he would ‘taste & see that it was good’. Yet only after his outside moment routine would he return to enjoy the chicken morsels that would nourish his day. Then he could rest & guard the house. (Ok, so he could stare out the window at the squirrels, but he has big dreams & I try not to discourage him...)
We should be so wise. Upon awaking, I wait a moment before getting up, to say good morning to God & Gizmo. I then begin my routine. Just as Gizmo would receive a ‘sample taste’ of the chicken he would later discover in amongst his food, so will I as I feed upon God’s Word, tasting the morsels of wisdom He has within the pages for me to enjoy.
He has prepared exactly what I need to know for the moment, for the day, for all the situations I may encounter- today. As I seek Him, as I study His Word, He shows me the nutrition within the knowledge of those who walked with Him, wrote the words that are now placed before me to absorb. Just like Gizmo, God revealed to me today that routine is important. Satan knows we are creatures of habit. Yes, a Sin is a habit. Sin is ‘missing the mark’ & that mark can be the moment of opportunity to learn how to become more like Christ, & then miss the moment to share that blessing with someone in your day who needs to hear. All because of a habit; a routine missed or left unfulfilled. So since Satan is always trying to get us off track in one simple everyday habit of ‘good’ he surely wants to knock us completely off the path of our walk with the Lord. This quiet alone moment in time is part of God’s Divine Plan- for you & for others you encounter.
So, today’s lesson learned is simply this: Taste & see that the Lord is good. Sample His Grace all day; plan the first part of your morning to be with the One who will hold your hand on the rest of the walk.
Make this a routine, don’t skip the parts like going outside for the important moments that happen- look around you, breath in the fresh air that we take for granted to sustain us; watch the colors of the sun as it routinely slips over the horizon to take its place for this brand new day. And when God places His plate of wisdom before you, take time to dine. Look for the morsels of miracles that lie beneath the surface of the mundane & enjoy each moment in His presence. Then, take your place in the day. Gizmo is watching the squirrels prepare for the winter months...And just like God is providing for the critters of nature what they will need; Gizmo knows that dinner although it may be the same as breakfast, will be there for him. Simple trust!
Because Gizmo knows I love him, he also knows I will take care of his needs, & will walk beside him when he goes out in the world to explore the wonders that wait. God provides. We know that what He provides for me is what I need right when I need it. And I know He loves me, He will take care of my needs & walk beside me when I go out in the world to explore the wonders that wait. Routines... Do you have one? Yes, God does.
Although everything else may change...He never changes!!...Now THAT is a routine!”