Sunday, January 15, 2012

Casting Call "What's Your Net Worth?"

Reporting live from the Shoreline Press on a recent fishing event that has people talking. According to the actual recount of the events (Luke 5:4-11) this is what we know so far: Luke 5: 4-11
When Jesus had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Put out into deep water,& let down the nets for a catch.”
Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night & haven’t caught anything. But because You say so, I will let down the nets.”
When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break.
So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come & help them, & they came & filled both boats so full that they began to sink.
When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees & said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” For he & all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, & so were James & John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon’s partners.
Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.”
So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything & followed Him.
Here we are at the local market & folks are calling this "The biggest catch of a lifetime!" But many ask what became of the catch; the fishermen? Did they catch & return the fish to the water? Some are curious why they abandoned the fish & even the opportunity for fame & money they could have made from selling their catch. The Word on the street is that the men are following Jesus & they are reflecting a love for others which appears to be more important than any local success story. Surely they would have had a book deal with a story like this*Wait- I think they did sort of*
Imagine an interview with Peter:
~So, Pete, tell us your story~
"Well, Jesus wanted us to put out in to the deep. After dropping the nets- within minutes we had a haul far larger than any we had ever experienced.
Truly astonishing. We still talk about that day.
The love we saw in Jesus was worth more to us than anything else. So we left behind our ‘everything’ right there on the shore. It was kind of like leaving your past on the sands of time, ya know.
When we were asked why we ‘pulled our boats’ I want to say the boats are kind of symbolic of our faith to follow Jesus; we were indeed acknowledging our desire to be fishers of men. I mean, after all, we had been fishermen all our lives. By simply believing in & following Jesus we have learned, shared, & introduced others to the loving message of salvation. This is indeed a life changing journey. And it is one that requires the heart to be willing to learn as He is truly able to teach. He seems to draw men unto Himself very easily.
~What do you fellas do for Jesus?~
We do many things~ like making sure there is food available after the teachings on the hillside. I'm sure you have heard that this guy really knows how to draw a crowd. They come from everywhere to hear Him. Amazing healing power! Some travel for days & want to touch the hem of His robe.
I am certain there will be many divine stories shared for generations.

As for the nick-name we now have, you know...'Fishers of men’; fairly certain that this is more than just a fad & will go on for years to come.

Picture it. There will be bumper stickers on the back of local camel busses & bill boards that line the roads from village to village. They may even have restaurants that serve only fish. Who knows? The possibilities are endless, right.
Spiritually ~ it is going to evolve in to the true art of people gathering together, & learning how to be at peace as we cast our care. Many will begin to do even greater things for Jesus.
We have been able to learn the true meaning of a Net Worth through this.
Let me ask you~ Do you know what your net is worth? What are you doing with each casting call you hear to share your Faith? Do you stand on the shoreline & wait for someone else to do something? When you are in the deepest part of the waters, how's your trust~oar does your boat of faith toss about? Do you believe in the One who knows where it is best to let down your net?

Bottom line- Are you a fisher of men or just in to Christianity for the ‘sport’ of it? Be genuine in your trust while you sit in your boat as there is going to be many areas of deep water throughout your life.
So go ahead; cast away ~ a miracle awaits you. You can be absolutely shore (sure) of it!

Ok, got to run. Nice talking with you. Be sure to read the Book that will include this event. It is the Best Seller of all time~The Bible.
I even have a couple chapters that are divinely written. Oh & the end is going to change the world forever. Be ready! Well, just read it. Heed it. And by the way, do you believe it? If not, let me ask YOU a question- Yubw8n?"

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