Saturday, October 8, 2011

"Order Up!"

"May I See A Menu, Please"

Sometimes we go out to eat & then stare at the familiar menu of selections as if it is the very first time we have seen it. Then, we will ask the waiter about the ‘special of the day’& if THEY like it or not. Why do we base our selection choice often on the scale of someone else's likes & dislikes when it is our meal? Everyone’s pallet is different.It would appear that conversation accompanies cuisine in similar ways. Yet, rather than be cautious & concerned about our tone of conversation, & weight of our words, we ramble off statements with little or no consideration as to how they will look on another person’s feelings. We take liberties with the pre-determined portions of praise & curried conflict heaped upon someone else’s plate when we should be more considerate. We would be wise to taste our words before dishing them out.

When you speak, do you weigh your words opposite your thoughts before opening your mouth? Do you regurgitate your opinions & spit & splatter them upon others? Do you shove them down another person’s throat? Is it easy for all to see that you’re full of yourself & not only do you need a healthier dialog diet 'butt' you could stand a little help when it comes to how to scale down your fattened ego of expressions? Don’t worry; you are not alone in this self indulgent society of overweight sentiment.There are many who need to tighten the belt on their panting of complaints & find more compassion in their conversational cuisine. We would not be so miserable to ourselves & to others if we would just walk away from debates, disputes,& side dishes of drama. Indigestion from certain relationships could be avoided if we kept our opinions, comments & harmful whimsical rambling of words to ourselves. It’s good to know when we have had enough of even a good thing…let alone, something or someone who is unhealthy.
Today we have fast food & fast talkers that devour one another with a second helping but rarely a second thought.
Even our sentences contain words related to eating & food.

Phrases like:

You are going to have to EAT your words.
What’s the SKINNY on that?
Oh, we are just CHEWING the FAT.
You haven’t got the STOMACH for that.
I have a lot on my PLATE to do.
They have a healthy APPETITE for living.
You can DISH it out but you can’t take it.
I’ll take another SLICE of the PIE.
That’s CRUMBY.
Have your CAKE & EAT IT too.
Life’s so short, take SECONDS first.
That’s GRAVY.
He had to be SPOON fed all the way.
Your words really cut like a KNIFE.
You speak with a FORKED tongue.
He’s really MILKING the opportunity or is he just EGGING you on.
We had a celebrity ROAST for him even though he’s just small POTATOS in the industry.
It was really WATERED down.
Have you ever been BUTTERED up?
Seriously, what’s the SCOOP on that?
They are the top BANANA.
You are the APPLE of God’s eye. (That one, I like...;)

We talk about FOOD or food related slang even when we are making reference to something that has nothing to do with food. It is self consuming. We wrap our thoughts in niceness or humor, with a lot at ‘Steak’ & even though we meant ‘well’... ‘Rarely’ is this skill-et ‘well done.’

Never leave a conversation or any area of concern that may be ready to boil over, unattended. This could cause a fire that burns a relationship so badly that even the most sincere of apologies cannot extinguish it before its total demise. Season your words to taste. No more, no less. Mean what you say-say what you mean. Get out of the kitchen of comments if what is being prepared does not suit you. Why partake of something or associate with someone who is not to your liking. Be as selective in your relationships as you are in your dining. People of quality are sustenance for the soul & are to be appreciated for their own ingredients to the relationship. Our words reflect our hearts so always strive to be a Gourmet of Edification.

Menu Options:

Too Many Second Helpings:
It is easy to see & clear to hear that many people are extremely obese in physical demeanor & in how they wear their feelings upon their sleeve. Over indulgence is not at all attractive. Words can quickly become a premeditated sentence of situational suicide. Since we are what we eat, say,& profess.What happens if we open our mouth & nothing but air (or error) comes out? Then what? Yet, many are exercising their freedom of speech while not following the proper form in how they weigh words before speaking. Every day we see people in constant communication without even thinking about it. It is like breathing. Phones & fingers move quickly sometimes before the words even form in their minds or the light turns green as horns blare from irritated bystanders. This inconsideration towards others is the feverish food fight of fast forward thinking. Even though driven for better, they are mindlessly tossing the trash out the window of opportunity expecting someone else to pick up after them. This is rudeness with reasons no one will respect. We do this with our words. We say things, hurtfully & expect someone else to come along & make it all right. Wrong! Whether it be spoken from a podium, pulpit, or pillow, WHAT you say is not as important as HOW it is said, heard, & perceived. You know you have said…”yeah, but what I meant was…” This is the specialty of the house…a side-dish of dropped intention soup. A mess you will undoubtedly be cleaning up repeatedly, unless you hear your thoughts through before you pass the taste- test of talking.

The Assumption Appetizer:
This is featuring a popular dish named after many who partake: ‘Me-ism’. This selection takes only a little time to boil over,as it will spew its heated substance on the most sensitive of tough skinned hearted people, & then often leaves a scar of a memory many would like to forget. These people speak in dashes of demands. But rather than keep their words in small easy to swallow bite size morsels, they take each irresponsible action & irrational decision to irritate as many people as they can in one sitting. This is grammar gluttony.Let's dismiss them from the table, shall we.

Too Hot To Handle:

In a heated & haughty (hot) debate, discerning disagreements, or a deliberation of dialog, keep your words short, sweet, & smooth. These very words that dissolve from your thoughts to your voice must be easily digested. For this to happen, they must be measured precisely, pronounced properly, stirred with care as to not stick or scorch,& when tasted by the listener, they need be considered - a delicacy of edible expressions.

The Lighter Fare:

Look at poetry. As a poet paints their emotions in prose,& flavorful limericks, they season them with the right amount of sugar & spice & everything nice. These morsels will be tasted by the most sensitive of poetic palates. This recipe for rhyme is an art form. Therefore, be an artist. Mix & blend the colors of your thoughts in such a manner that when another hears your words, they appreciate your good taste. They will be blessed having shared an enlightening experience that will surely linger long upon the palate of their mind.You will be making an impression that will feed their soul.

Order Up...Wait on Words!!
Be a server & a servant of The Words that nourish & matter most…the Bread of Life.
Go ahead...have a seat. We will be with you in just a moment. While you are waiting-Take a look at GOD's Menu for Living.

"This writing was inspired by that of a reading I did years ago. What I learned stayed with me over time. Our words can set us free or we can be surely HUNG BY THE TONGUE. I trust the thoughts I have expressed in this blog will bless your heart & be food for thought. Always speak with words that you yourself would be able to swallow. And remember...once they leave your mouth, there are no leftovers or true do-overs."

Success is yours. Victory and defeat are born in the mind, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." (Proverbs 23:7) Humans speak what they believe and think, often causing defeat. "Death and life are in the power of the tongue." (Proverbs 18:21) Jesus said, "My words are spirit and life." (John 6:63) Fear will prevent you from speaking victory. This little book has helped many to rise from their defeated condition to a victorious life.

What you often what you get. Place this 'read' on your menu.

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