"Batter Up-Rounding the Bases of Life" by: Sharon E. DawsonDo you swing at the first pitch?
Or do you wait for the best opportunity to come across your path?
In baseball, like life ~ many of the most valuable hits are made by waiting for the best. However, if you wait too long for too many, this can leave you watching the game from that eerie corner of the bench of regrets.
When looking for the opportunities in life to make a difference in another person, you must remember to stand close enough to the plate, yet not crowd it, and know how to best address the pitch or the opportunity.
Draw upon your senses to know when it is best to swing (make an effort), wait (determine if it is the best for you), and if need be, take the ‘walk’ (accept that what you have been thrown is just what it is and move on).
Many homeruns in life have been walked around the bases so there is no shame in that. Just shows you have a keen eye for decisions and you know how to reach your destination in any manner worthy of your time.
In careers, friendships, parenting, and personal growth, we stop and evaluate what the best opportunities are.
Balk at the best and you miss out.
Bunt and you need to hustle to just make the first level.
Swing without perception and you limit your chance to hit.
Look away from the obvious and you hear the strike against you.
Take the time to learn the game of life. You will round the bases with crowds cheering you on. Yet the biggest fan who will never leave you is the One who first showed you how and encouraged you to stand tall, hold on, and swing with sincerity.
You need to practice being ok with you ~ accepting your successes and your failures.
No matter the score, there is only one batter allowed at the plate at any time. And when your opportunity to make a difference is presented to you ~ make it matter.
Imagine the Coach saying to you every morning "Welcome to another opportunity at bat in the game of life. I'll be cheering you on, My Child. Run the race with diligence and determination, leaving your all on the Field of Faith!"