Thursday, June 23, 2011

Realizing "It" Matters

It's the little things in life that matter. The snuggle of a kitten on a cool evening. The look of appreciation from a puppy as you hold him on the way home from the vet. And the happiness you feel when you share moments with those 'humans' in life that matter to you.

We get busy. Sometimes too busy. And in that hurry-up & wait mentality, we miss it. What is "IT"?

It may be the deep breath we take first thing in the morning followed by a long stretch of our body and the instant opening of our eyes to a new day. Or that one of a kind snow flake that floats -seemingly without destination- to the ground on that first late autumn flurry.

Why do we let these little things of joy pass us by? I remember as a child growing up in WV the times shared playing tag football on Sunday afternoon with my friends. Running to the back door, screen slapping shut behind us, and grabbing a cold glass of lemonade that Mom had prepared for us to cool down before supper. (Yeah, we called it supper) And later, after saying good bye to the friends, wash up, help with chores, and then family time. These are moments that I hold dear and recall at moments even I least expect.

Now as an adult, I watch the 'kids of today' going in different directions (not all of them good ones either) as they try to 'make a statement' about their generation. What memories are they creating for their lives? Is it me or is their concern for their ultimate destination lessening with each year as they barely get by? What morales are they really being taught to build upon? Sad yet true.

I hope that after you are done reading this, you will stop and close your eyes for just a brief second. Go back through the pages of your life and find a chapter that brings a smile to your lips, a tear to your eye, or a giggle to your belly. Do this whenever stress is stepping on your attitude, kicking you in the 'butt, that is just the way it is' excuses, and you are feeling less than. You matter.

Now, hold it. Hold it. Just one more minute. Ah, there you go. You have now successfully replaced a moment in what you had titled a 'bad day' with a memory that matters to you... now you are starting fresh from this moment on.

These little things that matter- matter. Be sure to share a memory with your loved one, your children, your pet. Make time to visit a Senior Adult and listen to their chapters of life. Enlightening moments of a time gone by.

Remember~Give love and watch that love return to you.
Smile More.
Laugh More.
Love More.
Be More.

You know what's coming next right.....
Have a Blessed day...One Moment At A Time.
Yubw8n? (Why You Be Waitin?)

Promo2motion LLC ©2011sedawson

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