Thursday, July 12, 2012

"The Journey of a Life's Time"

They say all roads lead somewhere. Really?
Have you ever been stuck in traffic, not known why, then think to yourself...I wonder if there is another road that I could take to my destination to avoid the wait? The road you are on is fine; it’s the patience of waiting that is the problem. Everyone else is feeling the same frustrations as you. Remember, this was the road they selected also. You just happen to be there all at once. Thus, the result is the jam.
Another scenario: You are not certain of your route, you have a map, but select the no consulting the route option. You are traveling towards the area you ‘think’ is where you are heading only to find yourself lost; or worse yet, back where you started. This refusal to reckon with a ‘plan for your journey’ has only frustrated you more & cost you valuable time, energy, & inner peace.
On this route, there is no one to blame. On the roads of life’s journey, everyone is a traveler towards an eternal destination. Yet all roads will lead to only One...the Only One. In the process of travel, the frantic highways of faith can be frustrating, the lonely back roads of doubt, scary & unfamiliar. Yet there is always the horizon to anticipate & what is on the other side of the next hill you are approaching. Which road do you find yourself on? Which one is better; which one is the right one? Is one better than the other? The answer to that is Yes & No. WHAT? Let me explain. As we travel through life, we may be lost, but it is usually temporary. We muddle through & eventually find a way to get where we want to be or out of where we have found ourselves. Once we arrive at the destination, we have the bags of frustration, irritation, & anxiety to unpack. In the spiritual journey, many travelers will be left behind. What route you select for your soul’s eternal residence is up to you.
How you prepare your soul determines how the journey ends. Once you arrive, you will have plenty of time to enjoy eternal peace in Heaven. Or you may have selected the road that leads to the anguish from the never ending torment of Hell. You choose. What does the Journey really involve? And will the road you are on lead you to God? Well, let's see, shall we.
All roads lead to God. All religions lead to God. Even those who claim there is no God & blaspheme His name...yes, the road they travel will also lead them to God. For everyone will stand before God & give an account of their lives & their relationship or lack thereof... with Christ. There is only one God & one way to Heaven. Your religion will not save you.
Eternal Life is found in a relationship & acceptance of Salvation through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. What road of divine decision are you traveling? Have you prepared your Soul for the journey? Once you arrive, you are home.
Now is only for a moment. Eternity is for always. Do you know, beyond a shadow of doubt that you will arrive at Heaven's gate... If not, Yubw8n? After all, its only eternity you are headed towards..."

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